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How do I get a library card?
Library ID card is your library card. You can borrow the library materials through presenting your Library ID card.
How do I borrow books?
Once you are registered, you may check out library books while presenting your valid Library ID card at circulation desk.
What should I do if I lose my ID card?
If your card is lost or stolen, be sure to let us know immediately, You will be held responsible for any items checked out on your card if you do not inform us that it is missing. Also report this to Circulation section.

How many books can I borrow?
It varies for each category. See Borrowing Privileges for this.
For how long may I keep a book?
It also varies. See Borrowing Privileges to know about borrowing periods. All books are subject to recall, which may shorten loan periods.
Can I renew my books?
Yes, you can renew a book for a further period, if someone has not reserved the same. You can renew the book(s) online as well.
How do I renew my books?
To keep a book for another borrowing period, visit the library circulation desk along with the book to be renewed. The staff on duty will re-issue the book to you if another user has not reserved it. Overdue books will not be renewed. To get the books renewed remotely, see Online Renew.
How can I know about the due date?
On each checked out material, you will find a due date stamp on its date slip. If you renew the book online, you can see the due date on activity menu by login to your account.
Can someone else check out books for me?
No. No one can check out books on someone else’s behalf.
How can I find out what I have checked out?
You can know about your library activity and about your library account through online system. Or you can come to the library and ask circulation staff about the item(s) checked out by you.

How can I get a book that someone else has checked out?
Books already checked-out by some other user can be reserved. You can get them reserved online through our online system. See Online Renewal for details. You can also place a request for a checked-out item by visiting the library.
What happens when someone wants a book I have?
If a hold has been placed on one of your books, you may not renew it. Please return it by the due date. The library may recall any material issued to you. You must return the book by the shortened due date in order to avoid fines.

Is it necessary to show ID card while returning the books?
No, you can return the library materials without showing the ID card.
Can someone else return my books for me?
What happens if I return a book late?
A fine begins accruing as soon as the book is overdue. If you do not return a RECALLED book by the date requested, your borrowing privileges can be suspended.
What happens if I lose a book?
Report it immediately in black and white at the circulation desk so that your overdue fine can be stopped. Then you will be charged fine according to book lost policy.
What happens if I damage library materials?
In case you damage library material, the policy for “Book Lost” will be implemented.

How much fine do I have to pay on an overdue item?
It is charged according to fine policy, fine policy may be change from time to time.
What happens if I don’t pay my fines?
Your library account will be terminated if the fine exceeds you Security fee or limit define by Librarian.>
Can I renew reserve books?
You can’t renew the same book. If another copy of the same course reserve is available, you can check it out.