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Title: Women in Community Forestry
Author: N/A
Call No: 634.9 WIC
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Not Available , 1989 Detail

Title: Gender and development :
Author: Murayama, Mayumi
Call No: 305.488956 MUG
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan/IDE-JETRO, , Not Available , 2005 Detail

Title: Gender and development :
Author: Benería, Lourdes
Call No: 305.4091724 BEG
Publisher: Edward Elgar Pub., , Not Available , 2001 Detail

Title: Mainstreaming informal employment and gender in poverty reduction
Author: Chen, Martha Alter
Call No: 305.4209 CHM
Publisher: Commonwealth Secretariat , Not Available , 2004 Detail

Title: Expanding mumu business
Author: Gena, Josephine
Call No: 379.24 EMB
Publisher: Unesco Principal Regional Office For Asia and The Pacific , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: References to existing international agreements in support of selected text in brackets on education, health and the girl child in the draft platform for action for the fourth world conference on women
Author: UNFPA
Call No: 305.4 RTE
Publisher: UNFPA , Not Available , 1995 Detail

Title: Women and the world economic crisis
Author: Vickers, Jeanne.
Call No: 305.42 WAT
Publisher: Zed Books , London , 1991 Detail

Title: Ways to earn more
Author: Jadtranon, Supit
Call No: 379.24 WTL
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1992 Detail

Title: Gender, population, and development :
Author: N/A
Call No: 305.4 GPA
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 000 Detail

Title: Gender dimensions of population and development in South-East Asia
Author: N/A
Call No: 305.4 GDO
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1999 Detail

Title: Gender and development Briefing Kit
Author: N/A
Call No: 305.4 GAD
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1996 Detail
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