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Title: Everyman's United Nations
Author: N.A.
Call No: 341.23 EVE
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1971 Detail

Title: Would the world be better without the UN?
Author: Weiss, Thomas G.
Call No: 341.23 WEW
Publisher: Polity Press , Cambridge , 2018 Detail

Title: The United Nations
Author: Perters, Laurence
Call No: 341.23 PEU
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2015 Detail

Title: The United Nations
Author: Krasno, Jean E.
Call No: 341.23 KRU
Publisher: Viva Books , New Delhi , 2005 Detail

Title: The G8, the United Nations, and conflict prevention
Author: Kirton, John J. ed.
Call No: 327.17 KIG
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing , Hants , 2004 Detail

Title: NGOs and the universal declaration of human rights
Author: Korey, William
Call No: 323.0601 KON
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, , New York: , 1998 Detail

Title: A world in our hands:
Author: n.a.
Call No: 338.9 WOR
Publisher: Tricycle Press , Not Available , 1995 Detail

Title: Military intervention and peacekeeping
Author: Connaughton, Richard
Call No: 327.172 COM
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Ltd , Aldershot , 2001 Detail

Title: Politics and process at the United Nations
Author: Smith, Courtney B.
Call No: 341.23 SMP
Publisher: Viva Books , New Delhi , 2007 Detail

Title: Adlai Stevenson of the United Nations
Author: Roland, Albert
Call No: 341.23 ROA
Publisher: Free Asia Press , Manila , 1965 Detail

Title: Pakistan and the United Nations
Author: Hasan, K. Sarwar
Call No: 341.235491 HAP
Publisher: Manhattan Publishing Company , New York , 1960 Detail
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