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Title: War and the American presidency
Author: Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Call No: 327.160973 SCW
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Imperial ambitions
Author: Chomsky, Noam
Call No: 327.73 CHI
Publisher: Metropolitan Books , New York , 2005-00-00 Detail

Title: The post-American world
Author: Fareed Zakaria
Call No: 909.83 FAP
Publisher: Allen Lane , London , 2008-00-00 Detail

Title: Governance and nationbuilding
Author: Jenkins, Kate
Call No: 327.11 JEG
Publisher: Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2006-00-00 Detail

Title: How America gets away with murder
Author: Mandel, Michael
Call No: 345.0235 MAH
Publisher: Pluto Press , London , 2004 Detail

Title: America's war on terror
Author: Hayden, Patrick ed.
Call No: 327.73 HAA
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited , Hants , 2003 Detail

Title: The foreign policy of George W. Bush
Author: Moens, Alexander
Call No: 327.73 MOF
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing , Hants , 2004 Detail