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Title: Entrepreneurship.
Author: Hisrich, Robert D.
Call No: 658.421 HIE
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, , Boston: , 2005 Detail

Title: Change one thing :
Author: Wildermuth, Anna.
Call No: 650.13 WIC
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, , Boston: , 2009 Detail

Title: The nature of leadership :
Author: White, B. Joseph.
Call No: 658.4092 WHN
Publisher: Prentice Hall of India Private limitd : , New Delhi: , 2008 Detail

Title: Stand out social marketing :
Author: Lewis, Mike,
Call No: 658.872 LES
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, , Boston: , 2013 Detail

Title: Executive ESP :
Author: Jackson, Gerald.
Call No: 658.409 JAE
Publisher: Pocket Books, , New York : , 1989 Detail

Title: Moonlighter's guide to a sparetime fortune
Author: Michaels, Richard,
Call No: 650.12 MIM
Publisher: Parker Pub. Co., , Not Available , 1980 Detail

Title: Swim with the sharks without being eaten alive :
Author: Mackay, Harvey.
Call No: 650.1 MAS
Publisher: Morrow , Not Available , 1988 Detail

Title: Small-business management guide :
Author: Schell, Jim.
Call No: 658.022 SCS
Publisher: H. Holt, , Not Available , 1994 Detail

Title: The complete idiots guide to business management
Author: Klopp, Hap.
Call No: 658 KLC
Publisher: Alpha Books, , Not Available , 1998 Detail