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Title: Relationship selling and sales management /
Author: Johnston, Mark W.
Call No: 658.85 JOR
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, , Boston: , 2005 Detail

Title: Successful cold call selling
Author: Boyan, Lee.
Call No: 658.85 BOS
Publisher: American Management Association, , New York : , 1989 Detail

Title: How to close every sale
Author: Girard, Joe.
Call No: 658.85 GIH
Publisher: Warner Books, , New York, NY : , 1989 Detail

Title: Professional selling: a trust-based approach /
Author: Ingram, Thomas N.;
Call No: 658.85 INP
Publisher: Thomson/South-Western, , Mason, Ohio : , 2004 Detail

Title: Successful selling from A to $ :
Author: Rice, John W.
Call No: 658.85 RIS
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, , Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : , 1983 Detail

Title: The sale :
Author: Hutson, Don,
Call No: 658.85 HUS
Publisher: Published by Executive Books ; , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: You can sell anything by telephone!
Author: Goodman, Gary S.
Call No: 658.85 GOY
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, , Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : , 1984 Detail

Title: Zig Ziglar's Secrets of closing the sale
Author: Ziglar, Zig.
Call No: 658.85 ZIZ
Publisher: F.H. Revell Co., , Not Available , 1984 Detail

Title: Sell your house through creative financing without a broker!
Author: Haskell, Richard
Call No: 333.338 HAS
Publisher: Simon and Schuster , New York , 1982 Detail

Title: Art of selling intangibles :
Author: Gross, LeRoy.
Call No: 332.632 GRS
Publisher: New York Institute of Finance, , Not Available , 1988 Detail

Title: Personal selling :
Author: Enis, Ben M.
Call No: 658.85 PSF
Publisher: Goodyear Pub. Co , Not Available , 1979 Detail
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