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Title: The battle for God
Author: Armstrong, Karen
Call No: 200.9 ARB
Publisher: The Random House Publishing Group , New York , 2000-00-00 Detail

Title: The battle for God
Author: Armstrong, Karen,
Call No: 200.9 ARB
Publisher: Ballantine Books, , New York: , 2001 Detail

Title: Shall the religious inherit the earth? :
Author: Kaufmann, Eric P.
Call No: 200.905 KAS
Publisher: Profile Books, , London : , 2011 Detail

Title: The freedom to do God's will
Author: Haar, Gerrie Ter
Call No: 320.55 HAF
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2003 Detail

Title: The Clash of Fundamentalisms
Author: Ali, Tariq
Call No: 320.55 ALC
Publisher: Verso , London , 2002 Detail