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Title: Does religious education have a future?
Author: Chater, Mark,
Call No: 207.5 CHD
Publisher: Routledge Taylor & Francis , , New York: , 2013 Detail

Title: Primary religious education, a new approach :
Author: Erricker, Clive
Call No: 372.84 ERP
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2011 Detail

Title: Rethinking religious education and plurality
Author: Jackson, Robert
Call No: 207.5 JAR
Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer , London , 2004 Detail

Title: Religion, education and post-modernity
Author: Wright, Andrew
Call No: 291.75 WRR
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2004 Detail

Title: Priorities in religious education
Author: Watson, Brenda ed.
Call No: 291.72 WAP
Publisher: The Falmer Press , London , 1992 Detail

Title: Crosscurrents :
Author: Kaye, Evelyn,
Call No: 306.87 KAC
Publisher: C. N. Potter : distributed by Crown, , Not Available , 1980 Detail

Title: Reconstructing religious, spiritual and moral education
Author: Erricker, Clive
Call No: 291.75 ERR
Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer , London , 2000 Detail

Title: Reconstructing religious, spiritual and moral education
Author: Erricker, Jane
Call No: 291.75 ERR
Publisher: Routledge Falmer , New York , 2000 Detail

Title: Teaching religious education
Author: Kerry, Trevor
Call No: 371.07 KET
Publisher: Macmillan Education , Hampshire , 1984 Detail

Title: Tradition witnessing the modern age :
Author: Ergene, Mehmet Enes.
Call No: 297.092 ERT
Publisher: Tughra Books, , Clifton, NJ : , 2011 Detail

Title: Madrassah
Author: Athar Khan, Muhammad
Call No: 371.077 ATM
Publisher: Sarhad university of Scince and information technology , Not Available , 2021 Detail