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Title: The basic writings of Bertrand Russell
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 192 RUB
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2017 Detail

Title: The age of ideology
Author: Aiken, Henry D.
Call No: 190 AIA
Publisher: New American Library , New York , 1956 Detail

Title: The modern mind
Author: Watson, Peter
Call No: 909.82 WAM
Publisher: Perennial , New York , 2020 Detail

Title: Language
Author: Medina, Jose
Call No: 121.68 MEL
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2005 Detail

Title: Biographical dictionary of twentieth-century philosophers
Author: Brown, Stuart ed.
Call No: 109.2 BRB
Publisher: Routledge, , London: , 1997 Detail

Title: The eighteenth century background
Author: Willey, Basil
Call No: 113 WIE
Publisher: ARK Paperbacks , London , 1940 Detail

Title: Continental philosophy
Author: Cutrofello, Andrew
Call No: 190 CUC
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2005 Detail

Title: Fifty great contemporary thinkers
Author: Lechte, John
Call No: 190 LEF
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2004-00-0 Detail

Title: Cambio de marcha en la filosofía.
Author: Ferrater Mora, José
Call No: 149.94 FEC
Publisher: Alianza Editorial, , Madrid: , 1974 Detail

Title: Par-Dela Le bien et le mal
Author: Nietzsche, Frederic
Call No: 193 NIP
Publisher: Montaigne, , Paris: , 1951 Detail

Title: From Shakespeare to existentialism
Author: Kaufmann, Walter
Call No: 190 KAS
Publisher: Anchor Books, , New York : , 1960 Detail
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