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Title: Wireless and mobile network architectures
Author: Lin, Yi-Bing
Call No: 621.3845 LIW
Publisher: Wiley India (P) Ltd. , New Delhi , 2010 Detail

Title: 5g wireless :
Author: Stallings, William
Call No: 621.38456 STF
Publisher: Addison-Wesley , Bonn , 2021 Detail

Title: 3G evolution
Author: Dahlman, Erik...[et al.]
Call No: 621.38546 DAT
Publisher: Elsevier , Amsterdam , 2008 Detail

Title: MOJO: the mobile journalism handbook
Author: Burum, Ivo
Call No: 070.4 BUM
Publisher: Focal Press , Oxford , 2015 Detail

Title: 3G wireless demystified
Author: Harte, Lawrence
Call No: 004.6 HAW
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: Mobile satellite communication networks
Author: Sheriff, Ray E.
Call No: 621.38254 SHM
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2006 Detail

Title: Security for mobile networks and platforms
Author: Aissi, Selim
Call No: 621.384 AIS
Publisher: Artech House , Boston , 2006-00-00 Detail

Title: Mobile communication systems /
Author: Wesołowski, Krzysztof,
Call No: 621.3845 WEM
Publisher: J. Wiley, , New York : , 2012 Detail

Title: The i-mode wireless ecosystem /
Author: Natsuno, Takeshi.
Call No: 004.678 NAI
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, , New York: , 2003 Detail

Title: Security of mobile communications
Author: Boudriga, Noureddine
Call No: 005.8 BOS
Publisher: CRC Press , London , 2010 Detail

Title: Mobile communications
Author: Ling, Rich
Call No: 303.4833 LIM
Publisher: Springer , New Delhi , 2005 Detail
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