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Title: How to improve your memory for study
Author: Hancock, Jonathan
Call No: 153.14 HAH
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi , 2014 Detail

Title: Attention, perception and memory
Author: Styles, Elizabeth A.
Call No: 153 STA
Publisher: Psychology Press , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: The practice of cultural analysis
Author: Bal, Mieke ed.
Call No: 306 BAP
Publisher: Stanford University Press , California , 1999 Detail

Title: Memory :
Author: Hunter, Ian M. L.
Call No: 154 HUM
Publisher: Penguin, , Harmondsworth [Eng.] ; | Baltimore : , 1957 Detail

Title: Perspectives on learning and memory
Author: Nilsson, Lars-Goran
Call No: 153.1 NIP
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers , London , 1985 Detail

Title: Visuo-Spatial Working Memory and Individual Differences
Author: Cornoldi, Cesare
Call No: 153.132 COV
Publisher: Psychology Press , New York , 2003 Detail

Title: How to develop a super power memory
Author: Lorayne, Harry
Call No: 155.413 LOS
Publisher: Gaurav Pub. House , New Delhi , 1992 Detail

Title: You can remember
Author: Furst, Bruno
Call No: 153.7 FUY
Publisher: R&W Heap Printing Co. , Cheshire , 1962 Detail

Title: Forgetting
Author: Della Sala, Sergio
Call No: 153.125 DEF
Publisher: Psychology Press, , New York: , 2010 Detail