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Title: Forests Out of Bounds:
Author: Brown, Chris
Call No: 634.98 FOB
Publisher: United Nationas , Not Available , 2001 Detail

Title: Forests Out of Bounds:
Author: Durst, Patrick B.
Call No: 634.98 FOB
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 2001 Detail

Title: Cost control in forest harvesting and road construction.
Author: United Nations
Call No: 635.9 CCI
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: Logging of mountain forests :
Author: Heinrich, R.
Call No: 634.9 LOM
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1982 Detail

Title: Trash or treasure? :
Author: Enters, Thomas
Call No: 634.98 TT
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Not Available , 2001 Detail

Title: Calibration and Application of Swatre for Local Conditions
Author: N/A
Call No: 631.587 CAA
Publisher: Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority , Not Available , 1994 Detail

Title: FAO model code of forest harvesting practice
Author: Dykstra, Dennis P.
Call No: 631.55 MCO
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ; , Not Available , 1996 Detail

Title: Forest codes of practice :
Author: Dykstra, Dennis P.
Call No: 577.3 FCO
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1996 Detail