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Title: 아내가 결혼했다 : My Wife Got Married
Author: Park, Hyon-Ok
Call No: 895.73 PAM
Publisher: Munyidang , Seoul , 2006 Detail

Title: 초의 : Seconds
Author: Han, Sung-won
Call No: 895.73 HAS
Publisher: Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc. , Seoul , 2008 Detail

Title: The other side of dark remembrance
Author: Kyun-Young, Lee
Call No: 895.73 KYO
Publisher: Jimoondang Publishing Co. , Seoul , 2001 Detail

Title: TV 동화 행복한 세상 4: Happy world in the TV story 4
Author: \N
Call No: 895.73 HAP
Publisher: Fountain , Seoul , 2006 Detail

Title: 빙하의꿈 = Ice dreams
Author: Kim, Hon-sang
Call No: 895.73 KID
Publisher: Choong Sang , Not Available , 2005 Detail

Title: 문밖을 나서니 갈 곳이 없구나 : 거지에서 기생까지, 조선시대 마이너리티의 초상 : There is no where to go after living door
Author: Ch'oe, Ki-suk
Call No: 305.8 CHN
Publisher: Yellow Sea Writings , , 2007 Detail

Title: 너없는사랑 = Love without you
Author: Qiongyao
Call No: 895.73 QIL
Publisher: Samjin Kihoek , Not Available , 1995 Detail

Title: A Toy City
Author: Dong-Ha, Lee
Call No: 895.73 DOT
Publisher: Jimoondang Publishing Co. , Seoul , 2003 Detail

Title: 허균의 우리 민화 읽기 = Reading the our folk paintings of Hoe Kyun
Author: Kyun, Hoe
Call No: 895.73 KYR
Publisher: Bookfolio (북풀리오) , Not Available , 2007 Detail

Title: TV 동화 행복한 세상 3: Happy world in the TV story 3
Author: \N
Call No: 895.73 HAP
Publisher: Fountain , Seoul , 2006 Detail

Title: 아내 가 결혼 했다 = My Wife Got Married
Author: Park, Hyon-uk
Call No: 895.73 PAM
Publisher: Munyidang (문이당) , Seoul , 2006 Detail
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