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Title: Entrepreneurship, growth, and public policy
Author: Acs, Zoltan J.
Call No: 338.04 ACE
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 2009 Detail

Title: States versus markets
Author: Schwartz, Herman M.
Call No: 337 SCS
Publisher: Palgrave , Hampshire , 2000 Detail

Title: Business, government, and society
Author: Steiner, George A.
Call No: 658.4 STB
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2006 Detail

Title: The Japanese economic system and its historical origins
Author: Okazaki, Tetsuji
Call No: 330.952 OKJ
Publisher: Oxford University Press, , Oxford: , 2002 Detail

Title: Enterprise support systems
Author: Manimala, Mathew J.
Call No: 338.04 MAE
Publisher: Response , New Delhi , 2009 Detail

Title: Japan remodeled
Author: Vogel, Steven Kent
Call No: 338.952 VOR
Publisher: Cornell University Press , London , 2006 Detail

Title: Business, government, and society
Author: Steiner, George A.
Call No: 658.4 STB
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2000 Detail

Title: Flexible Rigidities
Author: Dore, Ronald
Call No: 330.952 DOF
Publisher: The Athlone Press , London , 1986 Detail

Title: Politices and Productivity
Author: Johson, Chalmers
Call No: 338.952 BEP
Publisher: HarperBusiness , New York , 1989 Detail

Title: Economics of regulation and antitrust /
Author: Viscusi, W. Kip.
Call No: 338.973 VIE
Publisher: MIT Press, , Cambridge, Mass. : , 2005 Detail

Title: Industrial restructuring in Asia :
Author: Thorbecke, Willem
Call No: 338.095 THI
Publisher: Sage, , Los Angeles : , 2013 Detail
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