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Title: Arid zone hydrology for agricultural development
Author: Jones, K. R.
Call No: 631.587 AZH
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1981 Detail

Title: Unesco sourcebook in climatology for hydrologists and water resource engineers
Author: Sanderson, Marie.
Call No: 551.6 USI
Publisher: UNESCO, , Islamabad: , 1990 Detail

Title: Comparative hydrology :
Author: Falkenmark, Malin
Call No: 551.48 CHA
Publisher: UNESCO, , Islamabad: , 1989 Detail

Title: National Reports of the National committees for the IHP
Author: n.a.
Call No: 551.48 NRO
Publisher: Paris , Not Available , 1997 Detail

Title: Research on urban hydrology :
Author: McPherson, M. B.
Call No: 551.48 ROU
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1977 Detail