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Title: Homo Deus
Author: Harari, Yuval N.
Call No: 303.49 HAH
Publisher: Harper Collins Publisher , London , 2017 Detail

Title: A textbook of modern European history.
Author: Dayal, Raghubir,
Call No: 940 DAT
Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors, , New Delhi: , 1989 Detail

Title: Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world
Author: Zakaria, Fareed
Call No: 303.49 ZAT
Publisher: Allen Lane , London , 2020 Detail

Title: The post-American world
Author: Fareed Zakaria
Call No: 909.83 FAP
Publisher: Allen Lane , London , 2008-00-00 Detail

Title: The rise and fall of the great powers :
Author: Kennedy, Paul M.,
Call No: 909.82 KER
Publisher: Random House , New York , 1987 Detail

Title: The rise and fall of the great powers
Author: Kennedy, Pau
Call No: 909.08 KER
Publisher: Services Book Club , Lahore , 1995 Detail

Title: The conduct of war 1789-1961
Author: Fuller, J. F. C.
Call No: 355.4 FUC
Publisher: Army Education Press, , Rawalpindi: , 1981 Detail

Title: The pursuit of victory
Author: Bond, Brian
Call No: 355.009 BOP
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2002 Detail

Title: A historical companion to postcolonial literatures in English
Author: Poddar, Prem
Call No: 820.9 POH
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press , Edinburg , 2008 Detail

Title: Arrogant armies
Author: Perry, James M.
Call No: 904.7 PEA
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 1996 Detail

Title: The war lords
Author: Carver, Field Marshal Sir Michael ed.
Call No: 923.5 CAW
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson , London , 1976 Detail
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