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Title: Game theory :
Author: Romp, Graham
Call No: 330.015193 ROG
Publisher: Oxford University Press, , Oxford: , 2005 Detail

Title: Games of strategy
Author: Dixit, Avinash
Call No: 519.3 DIG
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Designing economic mechanisms
Author: Hurwicz, Leonid
Call No: 330.015195 HUD
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 2006 Detail

Title: Introduction to game theory in business and economics
Author: Webster, Thomas J.
Call No: 330.015193 WEI
Publisher: M. E. Sharpe , New York , 2009 Detail

Title: Does game theory work?
Author: Binmore, Ken
Call No: 330.01 BID
Publisher: The MIT press , Cambridge , 2007 Detail