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Title: Ecology, environment and afforestation
Author: Environmet and Urban Affairs Division
Call No: 33.7 EEA
Publisher: Government of Pakistan , Islamabad , 1975 Detail

Title: Forest Resource Inventory of The Forests of Reserch And Training Field Station
Author: Cheema, M. Afzal
Call No: 634.1 FRI
Publisher: Pakistan Forest institute , Not Available , 1989 Detail

Title: Household food security and forestry:
Author: N/A
Call No: 634.9 HPS
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1991 Detail

Title: Proceedings of the Phase-1 Review Seminar Workshop of the University of Peradeniya - Oxford Forestry Institute Link Project
Author: Gunasena, H.P.M.
Call No: 634.9 POT
Publisher: Kandy , Not Available , 1994 Detail

Title: The Challenge of sustainable forest management :
Author: Murray, C. H.
Call No: 634.92 TCO
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1993 Detail

Title: Management and conservation of closed forests in tropical America.
Author: United Nations
Call No: 634.9 MAC
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1993 Detail

Title: Intensive multiple-use forest management in Kerala
Author: United Nations
Call No: 634.9 IMU
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1984 Detail

Title: FAO Meeting on Public Policies Affecting Forest Fires :
Author: Food and Agriculture Division
Call No: 634.9618 FMO
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1999 Detail

Title: Monitoring and evaluation of participatory forestry projects
Author: United Nations
Call No: 634.9 MAE
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Not Available , 1985 Detail

Title: Decentralization and devolution of forest management in Asia and the Pacific
Author: Enters, T.
Call No: 634.92 DAD
Publisher: FAO and RECOFTC, , Not Available , 2000 Detail

Title: International Workshop on Community Based Fire Management
Author: Ganz, David
Call No: 658.477 IWO
Publisher: FAO and RECOFTC, , Not Available , 2001 Detail
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