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Title: Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world
Author: Zakaria, Fareed
Call No: 303.49 ZAT
Publisher: Allen Lane , London , 2020 Detail

Title: The issues of ethnicity in Pakistan (1972-85)
Author: Aisha Shahzad
Call No: 305.895491 AII
Publisher: Higher Education Commission , Islamabad , 2007 Detail

Title: Myth and meaning
Author: Claude, Levi-Strauss
Call No: 301 CLM
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2001 Detail

Title: World civilizations
Author: Prichard, James Cowles
Call No: 909 PRW
Publisher: Aryan Books International , New Delhi , 1996 Detail

Title: Cultural anthropology
Author: Kottak, Conrad Phillip
Call No: 306 KOC
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Introduction to cultural anthropology
Author: Clifton, James A.
Call No: 306 CLI
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company , Boston , 1968 Detail

Title: The races of man and their distribution
Author: Haddon, A. C.
Call No: 305.8 HAR
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 1929 Detail

Title: Ethnicity and the military in Asia
Author: Ellinwood, DeWitt C. ed.
Call No: 306.2 ELE
Publisher: Transaction Books , London , 1981 Detail

Title: Cultural anthropology
Author: Kottak, Conrad Phillip
Call No: 306 KOC
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: Mirror for humanity
Author: Kottak, Conrad Phillip
Call No: 306 KOM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: Talking about people
Author: Haviland, William A.
Call No: 306 HAT
Publisher: McGraw-Hil , California , 2001 Detail
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