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Title: The greater literature of the world
Author: Sabharwal, Aditya
Call No: 820.9 SAG
Publisher: Random Publications, , New Delhi: , 2013 Detail

Title: Practical criticism
Author: Seturaman, V. S.
Call No: 801.95 SEP
Publisher: Trinity Press , Not Available , 2017 Detail

Title: Studying Literature in English
Author: Rainsford, Dominic
Call No: 820.9 RAS
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2014 Detail

Title: Principles & history of literary criticism /
Author: Mulik, Dr. B.R.
Call No: 820.09 MUP
Publisher: Kitab Mahal , Lahore , 0 Detail

Title: Structuralist poetics
Author: Culler, Jonathan
Call No: 820. CUS
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1975 Detail

Title: A history of English literature in Pakistan
Author: Rahman, Tariq
Call No: 820.549109 RAH
Publisher: Vanguard Books , Lahore , 1991 Detail

Title: History of English language & literature
Author: Chambers, W & R.
Call No: 820.9 CHH
Publisher: Dondern Book Distributors , Dehli , 1994 Detail

Title: A history of English criticism
Author: Saintsbury, George
Call No: 820.09 sah
Publisher: Dodd, mead & Co. , New York , 1911 Detail

Title: Literary terms & criticism
Author: Peck, John
Call No: 820.09 pel
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1993 Detail

Title: The seventeenth century background
Author: Willey, Basil
Call No: 820.09 WIS
Publisher: Doubleday Anchor Books , New York , 1953 Detail

Title: Alice to the Lighhthouse
Author: Dusinberre,Juliet
Call No: 820.9 DUA
Publisher: MacMallan , London , 1999 Detail
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