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Title: Education policies in Pakistan
Author: Shahid Siddiqui
Call No: 379.5491 SHE
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2017 Detail

Title: Killing thinking
Author: Evans, Mary
Call No: 378.41 EVK
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2004 Detail

Title: Rankings and the reshaping of higher education :
Author: Hazelkorn, Ellen
Call No: 378 HAR
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2015 Detail

Title: Evidence-informed policy and practice in education :
Author: Brown, Chris
Call No: 370.72 BRE
Publisher: Bloomsbury , London , 2015 Detail

Title: Successful governmental relations
Author: Johnson, Marvin D.
Call No: 379 JOS
Publisher: Jossey-Bass Publishers , Washington , 1981 Detail

Title: Ideology and curriculum
Author: Apple, Michael W.
Call No: 306.47 API
Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer , London , 2004 Detail

Title: The school report
Author: Davies, Nick
Call No: 370.941 DAS
Publisher: Vintage , London , 2000 Detail

Title: The university in dissent :
Author: Rolfe, Gary.
Call No: 378.01 ROU
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2013 Detail

Title: Education, racism and reform
Author: Troyna, Barry
Call No: 370.193 TRE
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1990 Detail

Title: The changing government of education
Author: Ranson, Stewart
Call No: 379.41 RAC
Publisher: Allen & Unwin , Pakista , 1986 Detail

Title: Handbook on globalization and higher education
Author: King, Roger, 1945-; Marginson, Simon, 1951-; Naidoo, Rajani
Call No: 378 KIH
Publisher: Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2011 Detail
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