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Title: Business ethics:
Author: Richardson, John E. (ed.)
Call No: 658.408 RIA
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin , Guilford , 2001 Detail

Title: Business as war
Author: Allard, Kenneth
Call No: 658.4 ALB
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Business ethics and the natural environment
Author: Newton, Lisa H.,
Call No: 174.4 NEB
Publisher: Blackwell , Oxford , 2005 Detail

Title: Business ethics
Author: Fernando, A. C.
Call No: 174.4 FEB
Publisher: Pearson Education , Delhi , 2009 Detail

Title: Digtial rights management
Author: Rosenblatt, William
Call No: 658.47 ROD
Publisher: M & T Book , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: Business ethics
Author: Jennings, Marianne M.
Call No: 174.4 JEB
Publisher: Thomson Learning , Singapore , 2003 Detail

Title: Law, business, and society
Author: McAdams, Tony
Call No: 346.73065 MCL
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 1998 Detail

Title: Above the bottom line
Author: Solomon, Robert C.
Call No: 174.4 SOA
Publisher: Thomson Learning , Singapore , 1994 Detail

Title: Ethics and the CPA
Author: Calhoun, Charles H.
Call No: 174.4 CAE
Publisher: John Wiley & Son , , 1999 Detail

Title: An introduction to business ethics
Author: Desjardins, Joseph
Call No: 174.4 DEI
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2003-00-00 Detail

Title: Annual editions
Author: Richardson, John E. ed.
Call No: 658.05 RIA
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2003 Detail
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