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Title: Prison and chocolate cake
Author: Sahgal, Nayantara
Call No: 915.4 SAP
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers India , New Delhi , 1954-00-00 Detail

Title: Alexander von Humboldt 1769-1969
Author: Meyer-Abich, Adolf
Call No: 925.43 MEA
Publisher: Inter Nationes , Bad Godesberg , 1969 Detail

Title: The wilderness world of John Muir
Author: Teale, Edwin Way
Call No: 333.72092 TEW
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company , Boston , 1954 Detail

Title: The city of the yellow devil
Author: Gorky, Maxim
Call No: 917.3 GOC
Publisher: Progress Publishers , Moscow , 1972 Detail