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Title: The obstacle is the way :
Author: Holiday, Ryan.
Call No: 158 HOO
Publisher: Penguin Group , New York , 2014 Detail

Title: Meltdown
Author: Clearfield, Chris
Call No: 158.1 CLM
Publisher: Atlantic Books , London , 2019 Detail

Title: Self-therapy techniques for personal growth.
Author: Schiffman, Muriel.
Call No: 158.1 SCS
Publisher: Self therapy Press , Not Available , 1987 Detail

Title: The courage to be rich
Author: Haroldsen, Mark O.
Call No: 332.024 HAC
Publisher: Putnam, , Not Available , 1983 Detail

Title: The magic power of witchcraft
Author: Frost, Gavin.
Call No: 133.43 FRM
Publisher: Parker Pub. Co., , Not Available , 1981 Detail

Title: Having it all :
Author: Brown, Helen Gurley.
Call No: 158.1 BRH
Publisher: Simon and Schuster : , Not Available , 1982 Detail

Title: Mind power
Author: Zilbergeld, Bernie.
Call No: 158.1 ZIM
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company , Boston , 1987 Detail

Title: Gestalt self therapy and further techniques for personal growth.
Author: Schiffman, Muriel.
Call No: 158.1 SCG
Publisher: Self therapy Press , Not Available , 1987 Detail

Title: Make the most of your mind
Author: Buzan, Tony.
Call No: 153 BUM
Publisher: Linden Press, , Not Available , 1984 Detail

Title: The occult sciences:
Author: Norvell, Anthony
Call No: 133 NOO
Publisher: Parker Pub. Co. , Not Available , 1971 Detail