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Title: Profitability and systematic trading
Author: Harris, Michael
Call No: 332.63228 HAP
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2008 Detail

Title: The only three questions that count :
Author: Fisher, Kenneth L.
Call No: 332.6 FIO
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2007 Detail

Title: Preferreds
Author: Winans, Kenneth G.
Call No: 332.63225 WIP
Publisher: KGW Publishing , Novato, CA , 2007 Detail

Title: Get rich on the obvious :
Author: Taylor, Tom,
Call No: 332.645 TAG
Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , New York , 1982 Detail

Title: Reminiscences of a stock operator
Author: Lefevre, Edwin
Call No: 332.64273 LER
Publisher: John Wiley & Son , , 2005 Detail

Title: Stock market strategies that work
Author: Bernstein, Jacob
Call No: 332.6322 BES
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail