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Title: Thinking, fast and slow
Author: Kahneman, Daniel,
Call No: 153.42 KAT
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux , New York , 2011 Detail

Title: Critical thinking
Author: Rainbolt, George W.
Call No: 153.42 RAC
Publisher: Cengage Learning , Singapore , 2015 Detail

Title: Foundations of soft case-based reasoning
Author: Pal, Sankar K.
Call No: 006.3 PAF
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience , New Jersey , 2004 Detail

Title: Developing reflective judgment
Author: King, Patricia M.
Call No: 153.46 KID
Publisher: Jossey-Bass Publishers , Washington , 1994 Detail

Title: Arguing in communities
Author: Hatch, Gary Layne
Call No: 808 HAA
Publisher: Mayfield Publishing Company , London , 1999 Detail

Title: The development of thinking and reasoning /
Author: \N
Call No: 155.413 BAD
Publisher: Psychology Press, , New York: , 2013 Detail

Title: Critical thinking and communication
Author: Inch, Edward S.
Call No: 168 INC
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley , London , 2011 Detail

Title: The logic of scientific discovery
Author: Popper, Karl
Call No: 160 POL
Publisher: Routledg , London , 2002 Detail

Title: Current issues and enduring questions :
Author: Barnet, Sylvan
Call No: 168 BAC
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's , Boston , 2014 Detail

Title: Critical Reasoning
Author: Thomson, Anne
Call No: 160 THC
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2001 Detail

Title: The logic of scientific discovery.
Author: Popper, Karl
Call No: 160 POL
Publisher: Routlede , Not Available , 1999 Detail
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