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Title: Social problems and the quality of life
Author: Lauer, Robert H.
Call No: 361.10973 LAS
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: A vision of the future :
Author: Adler, Mortimer Jerome,
Call No: 301 ADV
Publisher: Macmillan ; , Not Available , 1984 Detail

Title: Seeing the elephant
Author: Marber, Peter
Call No: 337 MAS
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2009 Detail

Title: Non-traditional and human security in South Asia.
Author: Institute of Regional Studies
Call No: 331.5 NON
Publisher: Institute of Regional Studies , Islamabad , 2007 Detail

Title: Future positive
Author: De Bono, Edward
Call No: 303.4 DEF
Publisher: M Temple Smith Ltd , Londo , 1979 Detail

Title: Jakarta Plan of Action on Human Resources Development in the Escap Region As Revised in 1994
Author: N/A
Call No: 388.9 JPO
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1994 Detail