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Title: Fundamental statistics in psychology and education
Author: Guilford, J. P.
Call No: 519.5 GUF
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2000 Detail

Title: Psychological testing
Author: Panda, Pratap Kumar
Call No: 150.287 PAP
Publisher: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation , New Delhi , 2017 Detail

Title: Psychological testing and assessment
Author: Cohen, Ronald Jay
Call No: 150.287 COP
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education , Boston , 2010 Detail

Title: Research methods and statistics in psychology
Author: Haslam, S. Alexander,
Call No: 150.72 HAR
Publisher: Sage Publication , New Delhi , 2014 Detail

Title: Statistical reasoning in psychology and education
Author: Minium, Edward W.
Call No: 150.72 MIS
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 1993 Detail

Title: Psychological testing and assessment
Author: Cohen, Ronald Jay,
Call No: 150.287 COP
Publisher: McGraw Hill Education , New Delhi , 2018 Detail

Title: Psychological testing and assessment :
Author: Cohen, Ronald Jay.
Call No: 150.287 COP
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, , Boston: , 2010 Detail

Title: Statistical methods in education and psychology
Author: Gupta, K. R.
Call No: 370 GUS
Publisher: Atlantic Publishers and Destributors (P) Ltd. , Not Available , 2019 Detail

Title: Measurement-based care in mental disorders
Author: Bech, Per
Call No: 150 BEM
Publisher: Springer , New Delhi , 2016 Detail

Title: Statistics and data analysis for the behavioral sciences
Author: Dunn, Dana S.
Call No: 150.15195 DUS
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2001 Detail

Title: Statistics in psychology and education
Author: Garrett, Henry E.
Call No: 519.5 GAS
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2000 Detail
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