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Title: Population education (block no. 1)
Author: Allama Iqbal Open University
Call No: 304.6 POP
Publisher: Allama Iqbal Open University , Islamabad , 1993 Detail

Title: Population education (block no. 2)
Author: Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
Call No: 304.6 POP
Publisher: The Authority , Islamabad , 1995 Detail

Title: Modeling in natural resource management
Author: Shenk, Tanya M.
Call No: 333.95 SHM
Publisher: Island Press , Washington , 2001 Detail

Title: Limits to growth
Author: Meadows, Donella
Call No: 330.9 MEL
Publisher: Earthscan , London , 2005 Detail

Title: Atlas of global development
Author: N.A.
Call No: 338.9 ATL
Publisher: The World Bank , Washington, DC , 2009 Detail

Title: Global health and global aging
Author: Robinson, Mary ed.
Call No: 362.1 ROG
Publisher: Jossey-Bass , London , 2007 Detail

Title: Population education
Author: Rao, V. K.
Call No: 304.6 RAP
Publisher: A.P.H. Publishing , New Delhi , 2001 Detail

Title: Shall the religious inherit the earth? :
Author: Kaufmann, Eric P.
Call No: 200.905 KAS
Publisher: Profile Books, , London : , 2011 Detail

Title: Contraceptive Diplomacy
Author: Takeuchi-Demirci, Aiko
Call No: 363.96 TAC
Publisher: Stanford University Press , California , 2018 Detail

Title: Population resources environment
Author: Ehrlich, Paul R.
Call No: 304.2 EHP
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2008 Detail

Title: Ecology
Author: Krebs,Charles J.
Call No: 574.524 KRC
Publisher: Harper Collirs College Publishers , Columbia , 1994 Detail
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