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Title: Cognitive poetics
Author: Stockwell, Peter
Call No: 808.1 STC
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2020 Detail

Title: How to read a poem
Author: Eagleton, Terry
Call No: 808.1 EAH
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing , Oxford , 2007-00-00 Detail

Title: A linguistic guide to English poety
Author: Leech, Geoffrey N.
Call No: 821.009 LEE
Publisher: Longman , Essex , 1969 Detail

Title: Formal charges :
Author: Wolfson, Susan J.,
Call No: 821.709 WOF
Publisher: Stanford University Press, , California: , 1997 Detail

Title: Aristotle's poetics
Author: \N
Call No: 808.2 ARI
Publisher: New Kitab Mahal , Lahore , Detail

Title: Poetic diction
Author: Barfield, Owen
Call No: 808.1 BAP
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company , New York , 1964 Detail

Title: T.S. Eliot the design of his poetry
Author: Drew, Elizabeth
Call No: 811.5 DRT
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons , New York , 1949 Detail

Title: The well wrought urn
Author: Brooks, Cleanth
Call No: 821.09 BRW
Publisher: Harcourt, Brace & World , Chicago , 1942 Detail

Title: Yeats and artistic power
Author: Marcus, Phillip L.
Call No: 821.09 MAY
Publisher: Macmillan , Hampshire , 1992 Detail

Title: Language and Literary Structure
Author: Fabb, Nigel
Call No: 808.1 FAL
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 2002 Detail