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Title: 50 philosophy classics :
Author: Butler-Bowdon, Tom,
Call No: 100 BUF
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, , Not Available , 2013 Detail

Title: The 48 laws of power
Author: Greene, Robert
Call No: 303.3 GRF
Publisher: Penguin Books (India) Pvt. Ltd , Not Available , 2000 Detail

Title: A history of political thought
Author: Mukherjee, Subrata
Call No: 320.09 MUH
Publisher: PHI Learning , New Delhi: , 2018 Detail

Title: An introduction to political philosophy
Author: Moseley, Alexander
Call No: 320.01 MOI
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2007 Detail

Title: Education
Author: Tanvir Khalid
Call No: 370.1 TAE
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2005 Detail

Title: The obstacle is the way :
Author: Holiday, Ryan.
Call No: 158 HOO
Publisher: Penguin Group , New York , 2014 Detail

Title: The idea of history
Author: Collingwood, R. G.
Call No: 901 COI
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2004 Detail

Title: A history of Islamic philosophy
Author: Fakhry, Majid
Call No: 181.07 FAH
Publisher: Columbia University Press , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam
Author: Iqbal, Allama Mohammad
Call No: 297.2 IQR
Publisher: Peace Publications , Not Available , 2017 Detail

Title: The Dialogues of Socrates
Author: Plato
Call No: 184 PLD
Publisher: Arcturus Publishing Limited , Not Available , 2018 Detail

Title: War and the American presidency
Author: Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Call No: 327.160973 SCW
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company , New York , 2004 Detail
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