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Title: Economic forecasting and policy /
Author: Carnot, Nicolas.
Call No: 330.9 CAE
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, , Hampshire: , 2011 Detail

Title: The Mark of the Bundesban
Author: Heisenberg, Dorothee
Call No: 332.46943 HEM
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers , London , 1999 Detail

Title: Money, the financial system, and monetary policy
Author: Cargill, Thomas F.
Call No: 332 CAM
Publisher: Prentice-Hall , Englewood , 1991 Detail

Title: Unlocking the secrets of the fed :
Author: Jones, David M.
Call No: 332.4973 JOU
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: Capital control
Author: Ariyoshi, Akira
Call No: 332.4566 ARC
Publisher: International Monetary Fund , Washington, D.C. , 2000 Detail

Title: Current developments in monetary and financial law
Author: N.A.
Call No: 343.032 CUR
Publisher: International Monetary Fund , Washington, D.C. , 2003 Detail

Title: Money and Banking in Contemporary Japan
Author: Suyuki, Zoshio
Call No: 332.109 SUM
Publisher: Yale University Press , London , 1980 Detail

Title: The Economics of European Integration
Author: Molle, Willem
Call No: 337.142 MOE
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Ltd , Aldershot , 2001 Detail

Title: Monetary policy at the cutting edge
Author: Porter, Sarah R. ed.
Call No: 332.46 POM
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers , New York , 2009-00-00 Detail

Title: Techniques and elements of finance
Author: Leung, Henry
Call No: 332 LET
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Australia, , North Ryde, NSW : , 2012 Detail

Title: Monetary theory and policy /
Author: Walsh, Carl E.
Call No: 332.46 WAM
Publisher: PHI Learning Private Limited , New Delhi , 2011 Detail
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