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Title: Business driven technology
Author: Haag, Stephen
Call No: 658.4038 HAB
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2006 Detail

Title: Database management systems
Author: Post, Gerald V.
Call No: 005.74 POD
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: The essential guide to knowledge management
Author: Tiwana, Amrit
Call No: 658.4038 TIE
Publisher: Pearson Education , Delhi , 2001 Detail

Title: Management information systems for the information age
Author: Haag, Stephen
Call No: 658.4038 HAM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: Concise Guide to Software Engineering :
Author: O'Regan, Gerard
Call No: 005.1 ORC
Publisher: Springer , New Delhi , 2017 Detail

Title: Introduction to information systems project management /
Author: Olson, David Louis.
Call No: 658.4038011 OLI
Publisher: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, , Boston : , 2001 Detail

Title: Bioinformatics computing
Author: Bergeron, Bryan
Call No: 005.74 BEB
Publisher: Prentice-Hall of India , New Delhi , 2003 Detail

Title: Management information systems
Author: O'Brien, James A.
Call No: 658.4038 OBM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2002 Detail

Title: Enterprise resource planning /
Author: Sumner, Mary.
Call No: 658.4012 SUE
Publisher: Pearson Education, , Delhi: , 2005 Detail

Title: Corporate information systems management
Author: Applegate, Lynda M.
Call No: 658.4038011 APC
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 1999 Detail

Title: Information systems management in practice /
Author: McNurlin, Barbara C.
Call No: 658.4038 MCI
Publisher: Prentice Hall ; | Prentice-Hall International, , Upper Saddle River, N.J. : | [London] : , 2002 Detail
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