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Title: The professional practice of teaching /
Author: \N
Call No: 371.102 MCP
Publisher: Thomson Learning Australia, , South Melbourne, Vic. : , 2005 Detail

Title: Learning & behavior
Author: Chance, Paul.
Call No: 153.15 CHL
Publisher: Thomson/Wadsworth, , Belmont, CA : , 2003 Detail

Title: The discourse of teaching practice feedback :
Author: Farr, Fiona
Call No: 418.00711 FAD
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2011 Detail

Title: Educational psychology
Author: Santrock, John W.
Call No: 370.15 SAE
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education , England , 2018 Detail

Title: Education and learning :
Author: Mellanby, Jane
Call No: 370.1523 MEE
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2014 Detail

Title: The psychology of teaching and learning
Author: Martinez-Pons, Manuel
Call No: 370.15 MAP
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2001 Detail

Title: Culture and processes of adult learning :
Author: Thorpe, Mary
Call No: 374 CAP
Publisher: Routledge in association with the Open University, , Not Available , 1993 Detail