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Title: Crop acreage statistics of Sind Kharif-1979
Author: Bureau of Statistics
Call No: 338.19 CAK
Publisher: Government of Sind , Not Available , 1979 Detail

Title: Crop acreage statistics of Sind Rabi 1978-1979
Author: Bureau of Statistics
Call No: 338.19 CAS
Publisher: Government of Sind , Not Available , 1979 Detail

Title: Yield response to water
Author: Doorenbos, J.
Call No: 631.587 YRT
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1979 Detail

Title: Land evaluation for irrigated agriculture :
Author: N/A
Call No: 631.4 GLE
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1985 Detail

Title: CROPWAT :
Author: Smith, Martin
Call No: 631.587 CAC
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: An evaluation of small dams programme in Punjab
Author: Shah, Haq Nawaz.
Call No: 631.587 EOS
Publisher: Punjab Economic Research Institute, Lahore, , Not Available , 1984 Detail

Title: Rod-Kohi Agriculture Problems & Prospects Symposium, at Agricultural Research Institute, D.I. Khan, November 27 to 29, 1989
Author: N/A
Call No: 631.587 RKA
Publisher: PARC , Not Available , 1989 Detail

Title: On farm water management field manual
Author: n.a.
Call No: 553.7 OFW
Publisher: Water Management Wing, Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Cooperatives, Government of Pakistan, , Not Available , 1980 Detail

Title: Land evaluation criteria for irrigation :
Author: N/A
Call No: 631.4 LEC
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1979 Detail