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Title: Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world
Author: Zakaria, Fareed
Call No: 303.49 ZAT
Publisher: Allen Lane , London , 2020 Detail

Title: Regions and powers
Author: Buzan, Barry.
Call No: 327.116 BUR
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 2003 Detail

Title: Regionalism and governance in the Americas
Author: Fawcett, Louise
Call No: 327.7 FAR
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2005 Detail

Title: International organisation in world politics
Author: Armstrong, David
Call No: 327 ARI
Publisher: Palgrave Macmilla , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Governing the world? :
Author: Harman, Sophie
Call No: 341.2 HAG
Publisher: Routledge, , London: , 2013 Detail

Title: Agreements between the United Nations and the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency = Accords entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies et les institutions specialisées et L'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
Author: \N
Call No: 341.7 AGR
Publisher: United Nation Publication, , Not Available , 1961 Detail

Title: The political economy of interregional relations
Author: Robles, Alfredo C.
Call No: 337.4059 ROP
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing , Hants , 2004 Detail

Title: International relations in a changing global system
Author: Brown,Seyom
Call No: 327.101 BRI
Publisher: Westview Press , Boulder , 1996 Detail

Title: A dictionary of international relations & conference terminology
Author: Abdallah, Hassan
Call No: 492.7 ABD
Publisher: Libairie du Liban , Beirut , 1982-00-00 Detail

Title: The politics of global governance
Author: Diehl, Paul F. ed.
Call No: 341.2 DIP
Publisher: Viva Books Private Limited , New Delhi , 2005 Detail

Title: The nature and function of international organization
Author: Goodspeed, Stephen S.
Call No: 341.2 GON
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 1967 Detail
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