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Title: War and the American presidency
Author: Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Call No: 327.160973 SCW
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Military intervention and peacekeeping
Author: Connaughton, Richard
Call No: 327.172 COM
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Ltd , Aldershot , 2001 Detail

Title: Unmanned :
Author: Rogers, Ann,
Call No: 358.4 ROU
Publisher: Pluto Press , London , 2014 Detail

Title: Diplomatic interventions
Author: Fierke, K. M.
Call No: 327.17 FID
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2005 Detail

Title: How America gets away with murder
Author: Mandel, Michael
Call No: 345.0235 MAH
Publisher: Pluto Press , London , 2004 Detail

Title: Governance and nationbuilding
Author: Jenkins, Kate
Call No: 327.11 JEG
Publisher: Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2006-00-00 Detail

Title: Masters of war
Author: Boggs, Carl
Call No: 327.73 BOM
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2003 Detail

Title: Understanding global conflict and cooperation
Author: S. Nye, Joseph
Call No: 327.10904 NYT
Publisher: Pearson , New Delhi , 2015 Detail

Title: Civilians in war
Author: Chesterman, Simon ed.
Call No: 172.42 CH
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers , London , 2001-00-0 Detail

Title: Neverending wars
Author: Hironaka, Ann
Call No: 327 HIN
Publisher: Harvard University Press , Cambridge , 2005 Detail

Title: Understanding the UN Security Council
Author: Fenton, Neil
Call No: 341.2323 FEU
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing , Hants , 2004 Detail
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