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Title: A brief history of Muslim rule in India and Pakistan, 711-1707 A.D:
Author: Sohail Bhatti, Muhammad
Call No: 297.0954 SOB
Publisher: Bhatti Sons, , Lahore: , 0 Detail

Title: Landmarks of the Pakistan movement
Author: Burke, S. M.
Call No: 954.9035 BUL
Publisher: Research Society of Pakistan , Lahore , 2001 Detail

Title: Jinnah
Author: Singh, Jaswant
Call No: 954.0357092 SIJ
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2010-00-00 Detail

Title: Pakistan
Author: Pasha, Ahmed Shuja
Call No: 954.91 PAP
Publisher: Sang-e-Meel Publications , Lahore , 1995 Detail

Title: The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia
Author: Tan, Tai Yong
Call No: 954.04 TAA
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2000 Detail

Title: History of Muslims in India
Author: Syed, M. H.
Call No: 954 SYH
Publisher: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi , 2003 Detail

Title: Train to Pakistan
Author: Singh, Khushwant
Call No: 823 SIT
Publisher: Maktaba Shir-O-Adab , Lahore , 0 Detail

Title: Twelve years of a soldier's life in India
Author: Hodson, W. S. R.
Call No: 954.03160924 HOT
Publisher: Wajidalis , Lahore , 1983-00-00 Detail

Title: Partition and Indian English fiction
Author: Gundur, N. S.
Call No: 823.09 GUP
Publisher: Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors , New Delhi , 2008 Detail

Title: Self and Sovereignty :
Author: Jalal, Ayesha
Call No: 954.03 JAS
Publisher: Routledge, , London: , 2000 Detail

Title: Dishonored
Author: Barrett,Maria
Call No: 823.914 BAD
Publisher: Warner Books , New Yor , 1996 Detail
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