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Title: Jinnah
Author: Singh, Jaswant
Call No: 954.0357092 SIJ
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2010-00-00 Detail

Title: Women and men in my life
Author: Singh, Khushwant
Call No: 828 SIW
Publisher: UBS Publishers' Distributors , New Delhi , 1995 Detail

Title: Modern Muslim India and the birth of Pakistan
Author: Ikram, S. M.
Call No: 954 IKM
Publisher: Institute of Islamic Culture, , Lahore: , 1997 Detail

Title: Twelve years of a soldier's life in India
Author: Hodson, W. S. R.
Call No: 954.03160924 HOT
Publisher: Wajidalis , Lahore , 1983-00-00 Detail

Title: Our freedom fighters (1562-1947)
Author: Allana, G.
Call No: 954.0922 ALO
Publisher: Ferozsons Ltd , Lahore , 1985 Detail

Title: Gandhi
Author: Singh, G. B.
Call No: 923.1 SIG
Publisher: Vanguard Books , Lahore , 2005 Detail