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Title: The return of the native
Author: Hardy, Thomas
Call No: 823.09 HAR
Publisher: Lincoln , Nebraska , 1966 Detail

Title: The Variorum edition of the complete poems of Thomas Hardy
Author: Gibson, James ed.
Call No: 821 GIV
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Co. , New York , 1978 Detail

Title: Hardy in history
Author: Widdowson, Peter
Call No: 823 WIH
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1989 Detail

Title: A preface to Hardy
Author: Williams, Merryn
Call No: 823.8 WIP
Publisher: Longman , Essex , 1993 Detail

Title: Far from the madding crowd
Author: Hardy, Thomas
Call No: 823.8 HAM
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1985 Detail