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Title: Linguistic
Author: Aitchison, Jean
Call No: 410 AIL
Publisher: Hodder Education , London , 2003-00-00 Detail

Title: How to finish and defend your dissertation
Author: Grant, Cynthia
Call No: 808.02 GRH
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Education, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. , Not Available , 2013 Detail

Title: How to complete a successful research project /
Author: McMillan, Kathleen.
Call No: 808.02 MCH
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley, , New Delhi : , 2014 Detail

Title: Lossless compression handbook
Author: Khalid Sayood ed.
Call No: 006.76 KHL
Publisher: Elsevier , Amsterdam , 2006 Detail

Title: Assessment in Secondary Schools
Author: Brooks,Val
Call No: 373.41 BRA
Publisher: Open University Press , Milton Keynes , 2002 Detail

Title: Writing history papers
Author: Bennett, James D.
Call No: 808.0669 BEW
Publisher: Cosmo Publications , New Delhi , 2007-00-00 Detail

Title: The foundations of research
Author: Grix, Jonathan
Call No: 808.066 GRF
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2004 Detail

Title: The student assessment handbook
Author: Morgan, Chris...[et al]
Call No: 378.167 MOS
Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer , London , 2003 Detail

Title: 265 troubleshooting strategies for writing nonfiction
Author: Clouse, Barbara Fine
Call No: 808.042 CLT
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: Homework helpers. English language and composition
Author: Lindner, Maureen
Call No: 808.042 LIH
Publisher: Career Press , New Jersey , 2005-00-00 Detail

Title: The Gregg reference manual
Author: Sabin, William A.
Call No: 808.042 SAG
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill , New York , 2001 Detail
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