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Title: Advances in Assessment of World Cephalopod Resources
Author: N/A
Call No: 639.2 AIA
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1983 Detail

Title: Fish Production in Irrigation Canals:
Author: Redding, Theresa A.
Call No: 639.2 FPI
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1991 Detail

Title: Aspects of the management of inland waters for fisheries
Author: Welcomme, R. L.
Call No: 639.2 AOT
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1976 Detail

Title: Water Supplies for Fish Processing Plants
Author: Blackwood, C. M.
Call No: 639.2 WSF
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1978 Detail

Title: Aquaculture Feed and Fertilizer REsource Atlas of the Philippines
Author: Cruz, Philip S.
Call No: 639.2 AFA
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1997 Detail

Title: Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture in China
Author: Tapiador, D. D.
Call No: 639.2 FFA
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1977 Detail

Title: Bottom Trawls for Small-Scale Fishing
Author: Brabant, J. C.
Call No: 639.2 BTF
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1979 Detail

Title: Management for Freshwater Fish Culture :
Author: Coche, A. G.
Call No: 639.3 MFF
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States , Not Available , 1996 Detail

Title: International introductions of inland aquatic species
Author: Welcomme, R. L.
Call No: 639.2 IIO
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1988 Detail

Title: Types of Parastatal Bodies Concerned with Fisheries Development and their Financial Responsibilities
Author: Cambell, J. S.
Call No: 639.2 TOP
Publisher: Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , Not Available , 1978 Detail

Title: Aspects of Sea Safety in the Fisheries of Pacific Island Countries
Author: Gillett, Robert
Call No: 639.2068 ASP
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 2003 Detail
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