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Title: The future of Iraq
Author: Anderson, Liam
Call No: 956.70443 ANF
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Hampshire , 2004 Detail

Title: American ethnicity
Author: Aguirre, Adalberto
Call No: 305.8000973 AGA
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2001 Detail

Title: Islam, Europe's second religion
Author: Hunter, Shireen T.
Call No: 305.897104 HUI
Publisher: Praeger Publishers , New Yor , 2002 Detail

Title: The issues of ethnicity in Pakistan (1972-85)
Author: Aisha Shahzad
Call No: 305.895491 AII
Publisher: Higher Education Commission , Islamabad , 2007 Detail

Title: Rethinking the color line
Author: Gallagher, Charles A.
Call No: 305.800973 GAR
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Race, ethnicity, gender, and class
Author: Healey, Joseph F.
Call No: 305.8 HER
Publisher: Pine Forge Press , California , 1995 Detail

Title: Mass Media and Cultural Identity
Author: Goonaekera, Anura ed.
Call No: 305.80095 GOM
Publisher: Pluto Pres , London , 1999 Detail

Title: Reconstructing womanhood, reconstructing feminism
Author: Jarrett-Macauley, Delia ed.
Call No: 305.42 JAR
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1996-00-00 Detail

Title: Milosevic
Author: Doder, Dusko
Call No: 949.7103 DOM
Publisher: The Free Press, , New York: , 1999 Detail

Title: Hindu-Muslim relations
Author: Friedrichs, Jorg
Call No: 305.8 FRH
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2019 Detail

Title: Borders, exiles, diasporas
Author: Barkan, Elazar
Call No: 305.8 BAB
Publisher: Stanford University Press , California , 1998 Detail