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Title: An introduction to functional grammar
Author: Halliday, M. A. K.
Call No: 425 HAI
Publisher: Edward Arnold , , 1994 Detail

Title: The Guinness Book of Curious Phrases
Author: Dunkling, Leslie
Call No: 423 DUG
Publisher: Guinness Pub.Ltd, , Middlesex: , 1993 Detail

Title: English literary terms and related allusions
Author: Anjum, A. R.
Call No: 803 ANE
Publisher: Polymer Publications, , Lahore: , 1970 Detail

Title: To coin a phrase
Author: Radford, Edwin
Call No: 422 RAT
Publisher: Papermac , London , 1981 Detail

Title: A glossary of literary terms
Author: Abrams, M.H
Call No: 808 ABG
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston , London: , 1957 Detail

Title: Descriptionary
Author: McCutcheon, Marc
Call No: 423.1 MCD
Publisher: Viva Books , New Delhi , 2008-00-00 Detail

Title: Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Author: Room, Adrian
Call No: 423.1 ROB
Publisher: Cassell Publishers Ltd , London , 1995 Detail

Title: Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Author: \N
Call No: 423 LON
Publisher: Pearson education limited , Londo , 2003-00-00 Detail

Title: Dictionary of idioms and phrases
Author: Bellingham, John
Call No: 423. BED
Publisher: Academic (India) Publishers , New Delhi , 2007-00-00 Detail

Title: Brewer's dictionary of 20th-century phrase and fable
Author: Pickering, David ed.
Call No: 423 PIB
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company, , Boston: , 1992 Detail

Title: An introduction to functional grammar
Author: Halliday, M. A. K .
Call No: 425 HAI
Publisher: Edward Arnold , , 1994 Detail
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