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Title: Linguistic variation and change: on the historical sociolinguistics of English
Author: Milroy, James
Call No: 306.44 MIL
Publisher: Blackwell , Oxford , 1992 Detail

Title: Linguistic variation and change
Author: Milroy, James
Call No: 306.44 MIL
Publisher: Blackwell , Oxford , 1992 Detail

Title: English as a global language
Author: Crystal,David
Call No: 420 CRE
Publisher: Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 1997 Detail

Title: The State of the Language
Author: Michaels, Leonard
Call No: 420 mis
Publisher: University of California Press , Berkely , 1980 Detail

Title: Problematizing English in India
Author: Agnihotri, R. K.
Call No: 420.954 AGP
Publisher: Sage Publications , New Delhi , 1997 Detail