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Title: Assessment in Secondary Schools
Author: Brooks,Val
Call No: 373.41 BRA
Publisher: Open University Press , Milton Keynes , 2002 Detail

Title: Secondary classroom management
Author: Weinstein, Carol Simon
Call No: 373.11024 WES
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2003 Detail

Title: A practical guide to teaching English in the secondary school
Author: Green, Andrew
Call No: 428.0071 GRP
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2013 Detail

Title: Japan's high schools
Author: Rohlen, Thomas P.
Call No: 373.52 ROJ
Publisher: University of California Press, , Berkeley: , 1983 Detail

Title: Questioning in the secondary school
Author: Wragg, E. C.
Call No: 373.137 WRQ
Publisher: Routledge / Falmer , Not Available , 2001 Detail

Title: Tips for trips
Author: Leeder, Andy
Call No: 371.384 LET
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2003 Detail

Title: Key issues in secondary education
Author: Beck, John
Call No: 373.41 BEK
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2003 Detail

Title: Secondary school reading
Author: Hill, Walter R.
Call No: 428.40712 HIS
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon , Boston , 1979 Detail

Title: Survival reading skills for secondary students
Author: Miller, Wilma H.
Call No: 428.40712 MIS
Publisher: Jossey-Bass , London , 2003 Detail

Title: Learning to teach using ICT in the secondary school
Author: Leask, Marilyn
Call No: 371.334 LEL
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1999 Detail

Title: Creative activities for the secondary classroom
Author: Labrow, Mark
Call No: 373.1102 LAC
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi , 2014 Detail
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