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Title: Sharing the world :
Author: Carley, Michael.
Call No: 333.72 CAS
Publisher: Earthscan, , London : , 1998 Detail

Title: 녹색의상상력 : 과학기술사회와생태적삶 = Green Imagination : Science and Technology Social and ecological life
Author: Park, Pyong-sang
Call No: 304.2 PAI
Publisher: Snail , Seoul , 2006 Detail

Title: Introducing global issues
Author: Snarr, Michael T. ed.
Call No: 909.82 SNI
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers , London , 1998-00-00 Detail

Title: Reconstituting the curriculum
Author: Rafiq Islam, M.
Call No: 375.006 RAR
Publisher: Scrivener Publishing , Not Available , 2014 Detail

Title: Human geography
Author: Fellmann, Jerome
Call No: 304.2 FEH
Publisher: National Book Foundation, , Lahore: , 2008 Detail

Title: Modeling in natural resource management
Author: Shenk, Tanya M.
Call No: 333.95 SHM
Publisher: Island Press , Washington , 2001 Detail

Title: The wilderness from Chamberlain Farm
Author: Bennett, Dean B.
Call No: 333.782 BEW
Publisher: Island Press , Washington , 2001 Detail

Title: Green rage
Author: Manes, Christopher
Call No: 363.7 MAG
Publisher: Little, Brown , London , 1990 Detail

Title: Experiments in consilience
Author: Westley, Frances R.
Call No: 333.9522 WEE
Publisher: Island Press , Washington , 2003 Detail

Title: Human ecology
Author: Hawley, Amos H.
Call No: 304.2 HAH
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2008-00-00 Detail

Title: Population resources environment
Author: Ehrlich, Paul R.
Call No: 304.2 EHP
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2008 Detail
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