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Title: Research frontiers in fertility regulation
Author: Zatuchni, Gerald I.
Call No: 613.9432 RFI
Publisher: Harper & Row, , London: , 1980 Detail

Title: Readings on emergency contraception :
Author: N/A
Call No: 612.6 ROE
Publisher: Alan Guttmacher Institute , Not Available , 1996 Detail

Title: The essentials of contraceptive technology
Author: Hatcher, Robert A.
Call No: 613.96 TEO
Publisher: Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins School of Public He , Not Available , 1997 Detail

Title: The essentials of contraceptive technology:
Author: Hatcher, Robert A.
Call No: 613.94 HAE
Publisher: WHO , Not Available , 1998 Detail

Title: The Copper T 380 intrauterine device :
Author: Sivin, Irving.
Call No: 613.9435 TCT
Publisher: Population Council , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: Knowledge and use of oral contraception.
Author: Phan, Thuc Anh.
Call No: 613.943 KAU
Publisher: Statistical Pub. House, , Not Available , 1996 Detail

Title: Jadelle levonorgestrel rod implants :
Author: Sivin, Irving
Call No: 615.766 JII
Publisher: Population Council , Not Available , 2002 Detail

Title: Contraceptive requirements and logistics management needs in Brazil
Author: N/A
Call No: 363.96 CRI
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1995 Detail

Title: Contraceptive requirements and logistics management needs in Turkey
Author: N/A
Call No: 363.5 CRA
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1994 Detail

Title: Contraceptive requirements and logistics management needs in Mexico
Author: N/A
Call No: 363.96 CRM
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1996 Detail

Title: Contraceptive requirements and logistics management needs in Egypt
Author: N/A
Call No: 363.96 CRN
Publisher: United Nations Population Fund, , Not Available , 1996 Detail
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