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Title: Designs for Learning
Author: Bredeson, Paul V.
Call No: 370.715 BRD
Publisher: Corwin Press , California , 2003 Detail

Title: Responding to the educational needs of today's workplace
Author: Charner, Ivan
Call No: 374.973 CHR
Publisher: Jossey-Bass Publishers , Washington , 1987 Detail

Title: Curriculum, personal narrative and the social future
Author: Goodson, Ivor,
Call No: 379 GOC
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2014 Detail

Title: Reflective practice in the lifelong learning sector
Author: Malthouse, Richard
Call No: 374 MAR
Publisher: Sage Publications, , London: , 2013 Detail

Title: Evaluation for continuing education
Author: Knox, Alan B.
Call No: 374.12 KNE
Publisher: Jossey-Bass , London , 2002 Detail

Title: Learning autonomy in post-16 education
Author: Ecclestone, Kathryn
Call No: 371.26 ECL
Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer , London , 2002 Detail

Title: Adult learning.
Author: Merriam,Sharan B.
Call No: 374.005 MEA
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , New York , 2014 Detail

Title: How to Teach Adults :
Author: Spalding, Dan.
Call No: 374 SPH
Publisher: Jossey-Bass , London , 2014 Detail

Title: Higher Education and Lifelong Learners
Author: Schuetze,Hans G.
Call No: 374 SCH
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2000 Detail

Title: Ultimate FE leadership and management handbook
Author: Jameson, Jill
Call No: 374.12 JAU
Publisher: Continuum , London , 2007-00-00 Detail

Title: Learning theory and classroom practice in the lifelong learning sector
Author: Gould, Jim
Call No: 374.1102 GOL
Publisher: Sage Publications, , London: , 2012 Detail
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