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Title: Microsoft office XP /
Author: O'Leary, Timothy J.
Call No: 005.369 OLM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies , New York , 2002-00-00 Detail

Title: Microsoft Office 2000
Author: Courter, Gini
Call No: 005.369 COM
Publisher: Allama Iqbal Open University , Islamabad , 2000 Detail

Title: SPSS for windows step by step
Author: George, Darren
Call No: 005.55 GES
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley , London , 2009 Detail

Title: Microsoft Office system 2003
Author: Haag, Stephen...[et al]
Call No: 005.5 HAM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Technology Education , Boston , 2005-00-00 Detail

Title: Compilers
Author: Aho, Alfred V.
Call No: 005.453 AHC
Publisher: Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , Not Available , 2018 Detail

Title: Compiler construction
Author: Louden, Kenneth C.
Call No: 005.354 LOC
Publisher: Thomson Learnin , Singapore , 1997-00-00 Detail

Title: Microsoft Office 2000
Author: Hutchinson, Sarah E.
Call No: 005.369 HUM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies , New York , 2000-00-00 Detail

Title: Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Author: Haag, Stephen
Call No: 005.369 HAM
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Technology Education , Boston , 2004-00-00 Detail

Title: Fundamentals of database systems
Author: Elmasri, Ramez
Call No: 005.74 ELF
Publisher: The Banjamin/Cummings Publishing Company , California , 1994 Detail

Title: Compilers
Author: Aho, Alfred V...[et al.]
Call No: 005.453 AHC
Publisher: Pearson Education , Delhi , 2007-00-00 Detail

Title: Compiler design in C
Author: Holub, Allen I.
Call No: 005.453 HOC
Publisher: PHI Learning Private Limited , New Delhi , 2009 Detail
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